formerly Akeret haBayit in Training

Sunday, February 12, 2012

An Immense Gift & Book Cub

I so enjoy sharing my passions with other people-especially my family and younger generations. Therefore I was immensely pleased to create a little book club for two of my little girl cousins last autumn. It's been going quite well- one of the main purposes was to improve their reading skills, and this has slowly but surely been taking effect (to my joy-I was rather surprised,as I usually am when things turn out exactly as they were planned ;).

I'm also teaching them to embroider during book club, and when we finish our second(current) book, we'll have a little tea party. I've made them embroidered bags for their little projects in celebration of completing our first book which we recently finished...Little House on the Prairie  by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It was one of my childhood favorites, and I will eternally treasure the opportunity to explore it with them. Last week we began Charlotte's Web by E.B White, another childhood book that impressed me deeply.

It nurtures my soul on so many levels to be able to share my love for reading with them, and to encourage them to love it themselves.The lack of familiarity with literature-with written word in general, is absolutely tragic and, in my opinion, revolting. How kids these days are making it through school when they can't even spell past 4th grade level is beyond me...oh wait, many of them aren't....

Reading isn't just a "sit with this book for half an hour just so you don't spend all day on electronics" kinda thing (at least it shouldn't be. I read an article once about how parent's today often use reading as a punishment or restriction. How depressing!). Reading Is adventure, thrills, education, expansion- it does more than just entertain. It teaches. It improves. What more could a person ask for? To be able to be immensely entertained  and improve your vocabulary all at the same time, for free! Who wouldn't want that? ;p  Just like who wouldn't want my lame jokes....

Reading has been an enormous gift to me, and I'm on fire about giving that gift to all the little people (and big people,though they tend to be more resistant :p) I can. In the present, I'm satisfied with my little book club, but maybe it'll manifest in bigger ways in future...who knows? I'm open. :) 

{My eldest book clubee has actually made her own little corner of the blogiverse for her bookish observations.}

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